Merlin Wiki
Merlin Wiki

I’ve always wonder about the age of the characters in Merlin,As they never really told us in the show, I have try to imagine it myself.

I know for a fact Arthur was twenty years old in season one as every time they mention the great purge, they said “twenty years ago”,

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so yes, Arthur must have been twenty years old!

I’m sure Morgana is younger than Arthur; many people said she is older, but she is not. Think about it, in season one episode one, Uther told Morgana she “was not here twenty years ago” which mean she was obviously not born yet, so I guess she was around eighteen or nineteen, I think it’s eighteen but I’m not sure.


Now, about Merlin, I’ve heard somewhere or read somewhere (I don’t remember) that in the script, it is said that Morgana and him are the same age.

I think it may be true, I think Arthur is older than him.

And as for Guinevere/Gwen, I think she may be the youngest of them all, in season one I think she was sixteen or seventeen. But I don’t really know XD

One of the producer one said that the show revolve around the “kids” of the show, that is Merlin, Arthur, Morgana and Gwen. He describes them as kids, Meaning they were really young. Which prove my theory to be 90% right.


Now, in season five, I think Merlin is twenty-seven or twenty-eight, so is Morgana, Arthur is twenty-nine and Gwen I guess, twenty-five or twenty-six?

How about you? What are their ages in your opinion?
