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Merlin Wiki

Ok, sorry Elyan fans, but here's the truth: I didn't care at all when Elyan died. The whole time I was just thinking, "Oh good! It wasn't Gwaine!!!" I know, I probably sound mean and insensitive but seriously, when that scary pixie lady told Merlin that one of the guys was going to die, my first thought was, "Oh, I hope it's Elyan, so that none of my favourites die!"

I mean, I never hated Elyan or anything. He was just kind of annoying, and lacking in epicness in comparison to the others. Gwaine is my favourite. His first appearance was amazing, risking his life to save Arthur, who he


the cool people.

hardly even knew. He's honorable, loyal, a great warrior, brave, funny, and he has amazing hair! I also love Percival, who's first appearance was when he pushed a bunch of boulders off of a cliff. Percival can hold three kids while running away from a dorocha, he's gentle, kind hearted, loyal, and also funny (but not like Gwaine.) And last but certainly not least, Leon, who's been there since the beginning. Leon is extremely loyal, he's brave like all of the others, smart, and immortal. Now, for Elyan....well, his appearance was when he was captured so that Morgause could capture Arthur. He's brave like the others, his loyalties are never really



tested, he's not funny at all, and tends to be kind of whiney. Sorry Elyan fans, it's just the way I see it.

I also kind of felt that the writers killed him off so that they could make room for Mordred. Naturally they would pick the least essential knight to kill off--and hey, he's Gwen's brother, it will make her cry, cause the writers seem to love it when she cries.

So, why am I writing this blogpost? Well, mainly because I'm bored, and secondly, to see if anyone agrees or if I'm just going to get a bunch of "HOW COULD YOU TALK SO BADLY ABOUT THE BEST KNIGHT EVER!!! A LITTLE RESPECT FOR THE DEAD PLEASE!!!" Comments, so please leave a comment! :) Thanks for reading!
