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Morgana's Wolves are a pack of wolves that Morgana enchanted after taking up residence in the Fortress of Ismere. She used them to guard Ismere's borders and to pull sleds through snow.


Morgana enchanted a pack of wolves when she took up residence in the Fortress of Ismere. She used them to guard Ismere's borders and to provide transportation by pulling sleds through snow.

Her wolves attacked the Knights of Camelot as they approached her fortress. With their help, Morgana was able to capture all sixty knights and put them to work in her mines (Arthur's Bane).


Morgana's wolves possessed fearsome strength, as not only were they were able to run at high speeds while pulling two adult humans on a sled, but sixty highly trained Knights of Camelot fled at the sight of them.

They were also impressive trackers, as they were able to find Gwaine collapsed in the snow and alert Morgana to his location (Arthur's Bane).


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