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Somewhere in all your books, Gaius, there must be something.
Arthur Pendragon[src]

Gaius' Library is a collection of books owned by Gaius. It contains books on a variety of subjects, including science, medicine, history, magic, and creatures both magical and non-magical.


Cockatrice ill

Gaius advises Arthur on dealing with the Cockatrice.

When Merlin first came to Gaius's chambers, the physician was searching for a book in his library. As Gaius turned to see who had come in, the balcony railing broke and he fell, causing Merlin to save him with his magic (The Dragon's Call).

Merlin and Gaius used a book from the library to identify the Afanc poisoning the city's water supply. Later, Gaius returned from an errand to find Merlin searching for a book about elements (The Mark of Nimueh).

When Merlin was poisoned, Gaius consulted one of his books for information on the Mortaeus Flower and the Cockatrice, both of which could be found in the Forest of Balor (The Poisoned Chalice).

When a mysterious creature began terrorizing Camelot, Gaius searched through the records of all known living creature in the kingdom, but failed to find any mention of it. Gaius later identified the creature of a Griffin when he expanded his search to include creatures recorded only in myth (Lancelot).

Gaius used one of his books to determine that the runes on Aulfric's staff were written in Ogham (The Gates of Avalon).

Merlin consulted Gaius's medical books for a way to treat Mordred's infected arm. When Gaius found him reading the book, he was delighted that Merlin was finally taking an interest in his work and brought out a massive book on anatomy to begin his education (The Beginning of the End).

When Arthur was to duel the Black Knight, Gaius consulted a book for information on wraiths (Excalibur).

Gaius consulted his library for information on the Mage Stone (To Kill the King).

When Arthur and the Knights of Camelot encountered a strange creature in the forest, Gaius used one of his books to identify it as the Questing Beast (Le Morte d'Arthur).

After a tomb full of treasure was uncovered beneath the castle, Gaius used one of his books to identify it as Cornelius Sigan's (The Curse of Cornelius Sigan).

When a troll came to Camelot impersonating Lady Catrina, Merlin and Gaius searched many books for a way to reveal her true form (Beauty and the Beast).

Loving spell

Merlin looks through spell books for a way to break Trickler's love spell.

When a mysterious creature began killing people in Camelot, Gaius used his bestiary to identify it as a Bastet (The Lady of the Lake).

After Arthur was enchanted with a love spell, Merlin searched Gaius's library for a way to break the enchantment. According to Merlin, Gaius's books contained over 636 love spells, over 150 of which involved a lock of hair (Sweet Dreams).

When Merlin accidentally set a strange creature loose in the castle, Gaius used his bestiary to identify it as a Goblin (Goblin's Gold).

After discovering that Elena was a changeling, Gaius and Merlin consulted their library for a way to help her. In the last book, Gaius found a potion that would force the Sidhe out of her (The Changeling).

When Morgana gave Arthur an enchanted jewel, Merlin and Gaius tried to use their library to identify it (The Eye of the Phoenix).

After a Manticore forced Alice to poison Uther, Gaius used one of his books to determine that if the creature was killed, its venom would lose its potency and Uther would be saved (Love in the Time of Dragons).

Gaius consulted the Book of Gallah to concoct a potion that would reverse Merlin's ageing spell (Queen of Hearts).

When Arthur decided to use magic to save his father, Merlin searched Gaius's library for a spell that would heal him. Though initially opposed to the plan, Gaius later showed Merlin a book by Gwillem of Cambria that had the spell he needed (The Wicked Day).

When Morgana implanted a strange creature in Merlin's neck to force him to kill Arthur, Gaius used his bestiary to identify it as a Fomorroh (A Servant of Two Masters).

Merlin used a pentacle enchantment he found in a book about necromancy to determine that Lancelot was a Shade (Lancelot du Lac).


Gaius researches the Gean Canach.

When the sorcerer Osgar gave Arthur a coin before his death, Gaius used one of his books to confirm that it was a runemark (The Disir).

Merlin searched Gaius's library for a way to free Gwen from Morgana's control, but was unable to find anything that would help (With All My Heart).

After Merlin was attacked by a strange creature that devoured his magic, Gaius used one of his books to identify it as a Gean Canach (The Diamond of the Day).


Series 1
The Dragon's Call (cameo)
The Mark of Nimueh
The Poisoned Chalice
The Gates of Avalon
The Beginning of the End
To Kill the King
Le Morte d'Arthur
Series 2
The Curse of Cornelius Sigan
Beauty and the Beast: Part One
The Lady of the Lake
Sweet Dreams
Series 3
Goblin's Gold
The Changeling
The Crystal Cave (Mentioned only)
The Eye of the Phoenix
Love in the Time of Dragons
Queen of Hearts
Series 4
The Darkest Hour (Mentioned only)
The Wicked Day
A Servant of Two Masters
Lancelot du Lac
Series 5
The Disir
With All My Heart
The Diamond of the Day: Part One


  • Much of Gaius' library is stored on an interior balcony in his chambers. Merlin and Gaius first met when the latter fell from this balcony and Merlin saved him with his magic (The Dragon's Call).


To view the Gaius' Library gallery, click here.

See Also
