Merlin Wiki
Merlin Wiki

You should not have killed my friend.
Merlin to Nimueh about Gaius[src]

The duel between Merlin and Nimueh occurred after Nimueh used the power over life and death to sacrifice Hunith and Gaius.


After Nimueh tricked Merlin into sacrificing his mother to save Arthur, Merlin returned to the Isle of the Blessed to trade his life for Hunith's. When he arrived, however, he found that Gaius had already traded his life to save Merlin.

Furious, Merlin confronted Nimueh and she tried to sway him to her side. He refused her offer and attacked her with a blast of magical energy, but Nimueh easily absorbed the spell. She retaliated by throwing fireballs at him and eventually struck him in the chest, sending him flying.

Assuming that he was dead, Nimueh began walking away, but Merlin recovered from the blow while her back was turned and struck her down with a bolt of lightning. In doing so, he not only killed Nimueh, but mastered the power over life and death to trade her life for Gaius' (Le Morte d'Arthur).


See Also

Series 1: Merlin vs. ArthurArthur vs. ValiantMerlin vs. Edwin MuirdenSir Owain vs. Tristan de BoisSir Pellinore vs. Tristan de BoisUther vs. Tristan de BoisArthur vs. EvanMerlin vs. TaurenMerlin vs. KilgharrahMerlin vs. Nimueh
Series 2: Merlin vs. JonasArthur vs. MorgauseArthur vs UtherOlaf vs. ArthurArthur vs. Kilgharrah
Series 3: Merlin vs. MorganaMerlin vs. the GoblinMerlin vs. the Sidhe ElderGilli vs. NollarUther vs. GilliMorgause vs. Merlin & Gaius
Series 4: Morgana vs Knights of CamelotUther vs. The GleemanArthur vs. DerianEmrys vs. the Knights of the Round TableEmrys vs. MorganaArthur vs. Lancelot (Shade)Arthur vs. ElyanArthur vs. HeliosGuinevere vs. Morgana
Series 5: Merlin vs. Uther's SpiritArthur vs. OdinElyan vs. Enchanted SwordArthur vs. AlbinEmrys vs. the DochraidMordred vs. MorganaMerlin vs. Morgana