Merlin Wiki
Merlin Wiki

Indeed, this union would cement what has long been an unofficial alliance between our kingdoms.
Uther to Godwyn[src]

Gawant is a kingdom in the land of Albion. It is a trusted ally of Camelot and is currently ruled by Lord Godwyn and his daughter, Princess Elena.


After Lord Godwyn's wife died in childbirth, the Sidhe Elder visited Gawant and turned their newborn daughter, Princess Elena, into a changeling. He did so as part of a plan to one day gain control over the throne of Camelot, which nearly came to fruition twenty years later when Uther and Godwyn decided to unify their kingdoms with a marriage agreement between Arthur and Elena.

Fortunately, Merlin and Gaius were able to rid Elena of the Sidhe that was possessing her, and Arthur and Elena decided to call off their wedding because they didn't love one another. Though Uther was initially upset by their choice, Godwyn felt that they'd done the right thing and the two kingdoms remained allies (The Changeling).


