Cylferth was an elderly sorcerer and merchant. He sold Dagr and Ebor the Blood Crystals and Stulorne Blades they used to take their revenge on Arthur Pendragon.
Cylferth sold Dagr and Ebor the Stulorne Blades they used when they attempted to kill Arthur during Camelot's annual Mêlée. Cylferth also enchanted the Blood Crystals they used to enter the tournament in disguise, after which Dagr killed him (Gwaine)
Cylferth was a highly skilled sorcerer capable of using his magic to forge a pair of Stulorne Blades. He was also able to enchant a pair of Blood Crystals with a powerful glamour that allowed Dagr and Ebor to take the form of anyone whose blood they touched (Gwaine).
Series 3 Enemies |
The Tears of Uther Pendragon: Morgause † • Morgana † • Cenred † • Serkets • Undead Skeletons † Goblin's Gold: Goblin • Gaius † (indirect) Gwaine: Dagr † • Ebor † • Cylferth † The Crystal Cave: Morgause † • Morgana † The Changeling: Sidhe Elder † • Grunhilda † • Elena (indirect) The Castle of Fyrien: Morgause † • Morgana † • Cenred † • Fermin The Eye of the Phoenix: Morgause † • Morgana † • Wyverns Love in the Time of Dragons: Manticore † • Alice (indirect) Queen of Hearts: Morgause † • Morgana † • Uther † The Sorcerer's Shadow: Gilli • Tindr • Nollar † • Morgana † The Coming of Arthur: Morgause † • Morgana † • Cenred † • Jarl † • Immortal Army † |