Anhora is a powerful sorcerer known as the Keeper of the Unicorns. He protects the unicorns that inhabit the lands of Albion and oversees the tests needed to lift the curse triggered by their deaths.
After Arthur killed a unicorn, Anhora appeared to him and Merlin and informed them that the unicorn's death had unleashed a curse. In order to lift the curse, Arthur would have to make amends by passing a series of tests. If he failed even one, Camelot would be doomed for all eternity.
For the first test, Anhora sent a man called Evan to sneak into the citadel's food stores and steal a bag of grain. Though Uther had decreed that all looters were to be executed, Arthur instead chose to spare Evan and gave him some food to take home to his children, thus passing the first test.
For the second test, Anhora lured Arthur to Evan's camp in the forest outside the citadel. Evan revealed himself to be a thief and a liar and taunted Arthur until he grew angry enough to attack and kill him. Afterward, Anhora told Arthur that his willingness to kill a man in defense of his pride would cost Camelot dearly.
Merlin later sought out Anhora and arrange for Arthur to given one last test in the Labyrinth of Gedref. Though Arthur was determined to face the test alone, Merlin followed and was captured by Anhora. When Arthur arrived, Anhora set him and Merlin before two goblets, one of which contained water and the other a deadly poison. All the liquid had to be drunk, but they could each only drink from one goblet.
At Merlin's suggestion, Arthur poured the contents of one goblet into the other, then (over Merlin's objections) drank all the liquid himself. Arthur immediately collapsed, seemingly dead, but Anhora revealed to Merlin that the goblet hadn't contained poison, but rather a harmless sleeping draught. By being willing to sacrifice his life to save Merlin, Arthur had proven himself pure of heart and passed the final test, lifting the curse from Camelot (The Labyrinth of Gedref).
Anhora was a very powerful sorcerer. He could use nonverbal spells to disappear, reappear, and travel great distances at will; was able to bind Merlin with roots too strong for him to escape; and was able to conjure an array of items, including food.
It is possible that Anhora disguised himself as Evan while testing Arthur, as Evan vanished in the same way as Anhora when Arthur tried to kill him. However, it is equally possible that Evan was merely an illusion conjured by Anhora.
According to Anhora, he was not the cause of the Unicorn's Curse and it was not in his power to lift it. However, he did play the vital role of judging the perpetrator and providing them with tests to determine if they were pure of heart. If they passed the tests, the curse would be lifted (The Labyrinth of Gedref).
- The name "Anhora" is a mistranslation of "unicorn".
- The exact translation is "Anhorn".